Going To Hell In Sight Of The Altar

I have times in my daily musings where my mind is taken to the time of Adam and Eve. I often find myself pondering their predicament upon eviction from the garden of Eden. How did they cope with the things we see as trivial today? How did they feel during their first cold night? I imagine Eve telling Adam, “You’re the man, find a way to keep me warm.” How long did it take him to figure out how to make a fire, I wonder? Or, how long before they figured out that sheep’s wool had some pretty cool uses.

My mind follows them along the journey of learning how to sustain themselves in everything. Learning how to build a house, Eve learning to sew… and cook, Adam learning how to make tools. How long did it take him to realize that every plant has a seed and if properly harvested, could be replanted? By his experience, everything in the garden was replenished by God, but now, he has to plant things for food. Or, is that something he already knew from tending the Garden?

My mind comes up with all kinds of questions about Adam and Eve’s experiences and, I believe they had a more difficult time than any of us ever have in life. They sinned before God and because of it, their world was turned upside down. They were thrown into a life where they had no idea what to expect with the next sunrise.

As I think of these things, my mind also paints a picture of another point in Adam’s life. The scriptures tell us that Adam and Eve had sons, Cain and Able. They also tell us of the tragic ending of Able’s life, all because of a more excellent sacrifice. Cain labored over his sacrifice, tilling the ground and tending the plants, as they grew. But Able, loved and nurtured his flock, keeping them safe from harm through the heat and the cold and all things wild.

I can see the blood-stained altar, and the ground. I can even picture him kneeling before it as he talks to God and prepares his sacrifice.

But here’s the thing that’s most touching. In my mind, it’s as if I am seeing this unfold from a long distance away, like I’m witnessing it as it happens. But then the picture changes from me seeing this happen to, my view drawing back even farther until I am standing behind a man watching the same thing. It’s then I begin to wonder, did Adam stand at a distance and watch this take place? How did he feel about the altar after Able was taken from him? Did he ever return to that hill overlooking the altar? I believe so.

How many times did he long to hold his son and tell him he loved him, but all he had was the memory of an altar? How many times did he stand on that same hill with the wind in his hair, staring down at that old pile of stones, and question God? As a father myself, I have to believe he went there often. A father’s heart sometimes longs for the embrace of his sons, so they have a tendency to hold on to the last memory they shared together. I believe this was the memory Adam held close.

But as this picture in my mind plays, I often wonder, did God speak to Adam while he stood looking toward the altar? Did he invite Adam to use that same pile of stones to mend their relationship? I can almost hear God speaking to Adam, “Bring me a lamb, my son.” But I feel a pain from Adam, with tear stained cheeks he says, “I can’t,… I love them too much.”

With God beckoning Adam from the altar, and Adam crying from a distance, Adam turns away unwilling and unable to bring God what he wants.

The bible never does tell us about Adam repenting and turning back to God, so we know he died in his sins.

This is the same situation where a lot of people that leave the church and walk away from God find themselves. God allows their lives to bring them back to a place where they remember the altar, and He calls to them one more time. He pulls on their heart trying to get them to come back to Him and his mercy. But sadly, too many feel the sacrifice is too great and can’t pay the price for repentance.

Sadly, they too will die in their sins. Dear friend if you are one of these, God wants you to know that is Mercy is greater than anything in your life. He will restore you and take you to greater heights in Him than you’ve ever experienced. Don’t ignore that still small voice calling your name from the altar.

About The Master's Crumbs

I am a happily married Apostolic man that loves to write. I love God, my wife, my family, and my writing. I look for a God inspiration in everything. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross at Calvary for of our sins. We have a hope in Him.
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